Letters to Esther

Letters to Esther is a collection of letters written to Esther Munro of Geneva, Indiana. The letters span from 1900 to the 1960s, with the bulk of them coming from the 1920s.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

January 21, 1920, From Richard

West LaFayette, Ind.
Jan. 21, 1920

Dear Esther,

So you finally had to solve your tale of the light woman, in which you fixed up a match that certainly did not involve true love. That is what often happens too; but if it is possible I shall never consider fixing up one that lacks the very fundamental thing for a successful married life--love. To tell you the truth, I've never found it yet, although I may have once thought so.

"Love is the greatest of all joys--
The greatest of all influences.
And the state of being in love
is the greatest of all happiness"


"now, what is love
I will tell--
It is the fountain and the well.
Where pleasure and repentance dwell."

The intense feeling, and interest; the perfect willingness to sacrifice self, or selfish desires; and the wisdom and a broad understanding of knowing each other will help to bring a man and a woman where they can expect to enjoy their life together for any length of time.

I rather think Margie does not dream either for I got a letter from her today, and there was no mention of getting married. She has had chances in real life, and therefore probably does not dream about it. I rather like the idea of beautiful dreams and if they do not come with the sand man then one can day dream. That is, if one's professors do not cause an over indulgence in school affairs. I have been quite fully aware of a "worky" atmosphere this week myself. Last night I was over to a little cotillion affair at Allens. So you went to an awful dance! I'm shocked! Supposing I should forbid you to do such a thing??

Prof. Robertson (Big Robbie, Purdue '93) has been here for some time giving lectures and demonstrations on "Purdue in China". They have organized a Club by that name and intend to make Purdue more widely known than she already is. This man has spent about 20 yrs. in China and has done wonders. So you think Purdue men will get defeated Friday night. We hope not; but if it should happen,--why we are big enough here to stand it. Maybe you call that more bragging; but I think it's a good thing. Purdue is just as calm as ever over the little game. I'll have to tell Katheryn that also.

Best wishes to you,
Yours Richard


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