Letters to Esther

Letters to Esther is a collection of letters written to Esther Munro of Geneva, Indiana. The letters span from 1900 to the 1960s, with the bulk of them coming from the 1920s.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

February 25, 1920, from Richard

At the Gates of Dreamland

Dearer Esther,

How can I explain those secrets to you when they are the keys to the mysteries of life. True enough it is often difficult to define the exact meaning of a letter for they are a very poor way to the achievements of facts or satisfaction. I do not wish to cause you any worry, to displease you, or to produce any sadness even of the least bit; but as for causing anger I care less. I never yet saw you in that dangerous mood and the threat of it consequently does not worry me. No. I do not believe it is "predestined" that you should "lose your head", especially over nothing much. I don't like to admit that I am worthless; but I surely am not capable enough to meet your requirements. Anyway it might do me good to see you oftener and thus keep in an apparently good alignment. Has it not been said that "absence makes the heart fonder"? If that is true then I am all right after all; but there are likely to be variations to any rule.

You spoke of the vacation next summer as if in doubt about a good time, so let me advise you to continue your optimism as you have previously done. Concerning myself, I'll have to work next summer and a good time will be placed second in importance. Nevertheless I'll no doubt gratify all of my pleasure loving desires and enjoy myself some where. In relation to expecting bright things I might relate this little incident. about a week or so ago I went into a barber shop and had waited for my turn nearly three quarters of an hour when just at my goal I recalled the fact that I had not enough money for the bill. At least I thought so. Not to be bluffed out tho I went through the "ceremony" and fixed up all sorts of schemes to avoid embarrassment. When finished I calmly walked over to the cashier, laid down my check, reached into my pocket to see what happened, when my hand came out. What a happy surprise when among the collection I discovered the required amount! Things are not half so bad usually as one imagines.

Esther, how about this, I saw Purdue wallop I.U. tonight and finish a score of 31-20. A great game. Friday night I'm going to a "show" "The Minister's Wife's New Bonnet" given by the Queen Esther circle at the H.S. Aud. Shall tell you about it afterwards.



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