Letters to Esther

Letters to Esther is a collection of letters written to Esther Munro of Geneva, Indiana. The letters span from 1900 to the 1960s, with the bulk of them coming from the 1920s.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

April 6, 1919, From Richard

I.U., Bloomington, Ind.
April 6, 1919

Dear Esther:

You will no doubt be still more curious when I tell you that I never sent you a letter with out a message of some sort. If ever I did feel like sending a "blank" it is this afternoon, so even tho this is Sunday I cannot write much. You see the reason must be, that I went to Sunday School this forenoon and lost my inspirations and interest in worldly things. Ha? They have nearly completed a large Christian Church here, and I think I shall go there next time. It is built like a barn, is very large, and it has taken several years to complete it. Therefore it ought to be interesting. Pres. Bryan talked to the Young People's class at the M.E. Church today; and we had ice-cream for dinner. Why all this should affect so much is to me an enigma. So I shall write to you some other time.

So you have matrimonial troubles and love affairs already. I wish you success; although I can not but regret that I shall not be present to view the whole affair. And you are not going to be present as a school teacher in some school-room next fall? That is another interesting feature of your life program, for most girls who desire to become old maids choose to teach school. Although teachers are somewhat indispensable in the production of philosophical culture; I do not believe in the production of lives lived in solitary bliss and peacefulness.

This college life is great sport. I have blisters on my hands now from the effects of my labors yesterday. (Mowing and raking Mayfields lawn) I also went swimming yesterday afternoon and nearly missed my supper. Then I went to a dance last evening which was unexpected. Between now and 10:30 o'clock it is hard to tell what might happen.

The R.O.T.C. begins drill Wednesday. I have a complete new outfit (big shoes too) which needs only to be worn at drill. We have lots of ammunition for gun fire. I hope it is interesting this term.

I was very well enjoyed with your last letter.

Yours as Truly,

P.S. Mr. Connelly has a cousin visiting him who is a showman connected with Gentry Bros. Circus. He has a cane and plug hat and is real interesting. The "Hearts of the World" will be here Mon. and Tues. I had the pleasure of seeing it once before at La Porte. Please pardon me for inserting such an out of place postscript.


[A rough draft of Esther's reply was enclosed in the envelope.]

Geneva Ind.
April 11

Dear Richard:

I will try to write a letter this morning. We have been practicing our play every night and don't get home till about eleven o'clock. Last night it was half-past eleven. Clyde Romay is back in school this week and will take his part so Clark will not be in it. Our car is being over-hauled as I believe I told you and we don't have it yet. We have been driving a horse to preaching and to town, where I have had to go several times this week, which take[s] up so much time. I didn't know there were so many things to see to in connection with graduation. The Senior class has been spending all recesses and noons lately talking over business. And then the play takes so much of my time and thoughts. It will be just a week from tonight. We are going to have Dr. Rigden for speaker Commencement night. I don't know if we will be given a Junior Reception or not. It looks like some what like "or not" now. The Juniors are having so much trouble among themselves. (All on account of two girls I guess. They belong to those three.) But I have heard that an Alumni Banquet will be given. And then our clothes are still worrying we two girls. The boys have their ordered. They were excused from school one whole day to get their suits. They declared they were busy all the time. they couldn't all get shirts and ties alike so half (that is two) got one kind and half another. All I have written is about plays and graduation but that is all I can think about.

Tonight there is a farewell party and shower on Mr. Snyder. He leaves and is to be married. The party will be at Roth's. Our class has bought a chair for him. I suppose you have heard all about it before this. That makes another place for me to go and be up late. I am only at home long enough to do part of my sleeping and part of my eating for I often go without my breakfast. Do you know I am writing this before breakfast. I had mamma call me early on purpose.

We had a calf die this week with what papa at first thought might be black leg. Another calf is sick and may die. Dr. Campbell said it was hemoragic [sic] septicemia. We have had all the cattle vaccinated for it.

I can hear a whole tub full of chickens chirping for the incubators have just finished hatching.

When you went to the dance did you behave as well as I? I sat and watched the others though I did have two invitations. I sometimes wish I did know how.

Has that Christian Church been dedicated yet? If not when will it be? Papa wants to know.

Well if I am to get to school on time I shall have to close.


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