Letters to Esther

Letters to Esther is a collection of letters written to Esther Munro of Geneva, Indiana. The letters span from 1900 to the 1960s, with the bulk of them coming from the 1920s.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

September 4, 1919, From Mamma

Thurs. P.M. (4 o'clock)

Dear E--

Your second letter came this noon and as you want those questions answered soon, I'll write this P.M. and send this to town this eve, then I suppose it will leave tomorrow by seven.

The nearest town to which papa was born was La Selle [sic] Ill. None of those diseases would be considered common in papa's or my family unless it would be rheumatism (in mine) and indigestion, while the different relatives have had more or less of those diseases, they are not common.

I think you would find 6 o'clock a good hour to get up at. Yes you did fine, now if you can only go to bed early.

Am sorry you girls took so much of Kathryn & Luella's time for enrolling. Am afraid it may hinder them from getting to take some of the studies they wished to take. Well Sat. & Sun. are not far off. So rest when you get the chance. Mrs. W., Wilma & Clark took a ride around the farm in the new old Ford this A.M.

Have your watch fixed as soon as you can for you'll need it.

I tried Ruth's gingham dress on her this P.M. It is tight now. She & I were having a big laugh over her being so big when I heard some one come in. Thought it was Clark, was going to tell him to go down & borrow Mrs. Whitsell's pattern for Ruth, may it would be big enough. But it was Mrs. W--. herself. So I told her any how, and when she saw how tight R. could make it look she couldn't help but laugh good, & said may be it wouldn't be big enough.

Will close now as Clark & Mr. Whitsel are going to town.

What dresses have you been making use of. Could you have used the reading lamp, & can you use the iron?

How do you like the girls who room in that house.

I am anxious to drive down there before cold weather sets in.

Much love, from

[Ed.: The following scrap of paper was tucked into the envelope.]


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