Letters to Esther

Letters to Esther is a collection of letters written to Esther Munro of Geneva, Indiana. The letters span from 1900 to the 1960s, with the bulk of them coming from the 1920s.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

October 28, 1919, From Mamma

Home. (Tues.) Oct 28--‘19

Dear Esther--

If you want to know everything, then I'll have to jot things down each day as they happen or I'll forget most of them. Besides it is easier to answer your letter when one is fresh in mind. Yours of 19th is lying on secretary before me.

I still have my cold. Don't feel like tearing around at the work. And there is a plenty to do. Did a nice big churning this A.M. about 7lbs. I should guess. Will not churn again until we need more butter. You see we are going to sell our cream now. Papa is taking our first can to town this P.M. Papa is feeling pretty good these days. Almost every day there seems to be something to sell. You see it takes about three years to get started to farming. Now he says things are getting to "going his way"

You can be almost thankful that you are not at home these days, for the flies are thicker in house than I ever knew them to be, in all my housekeeping experience. They are in and I can't get them out.

Had the clover-hullers for supper last eve. There were only Mr. Felber and Emil. But it was the only time I did not prepare when there was the least sign of men staying to eat and almost the only time they stayed. I thought to myself "they never do stay, so I'll just cook an extra amount of potatoes. pretty soon papa came in & wanted to know how near supper was ready and I said the potatoes are not done but if they will just wait a few min. I'll get them something to eat. So Clark pitched in opening cans and Ruth helped me peal the hot potatoes for I had boiled them with skins on.--yes, Ruth really pealed a hot potato or two.

Ruth's Domestic Science class have made white caps and aprons for themselves. She did not get hers finished at school so brought it home last eve. They are to wear them today. They will serve tomato soup and noodles to the High School students for 5¢ per dish. Proceeds go to paying for the soup dishes in which the soup is served. I wish I could see them, I think they will look real nice, nine of them dressed alike.

You asked about kittens. Well, they are getting to look quite like cats. Mr. Farrar took one home with him one week ago Mon. eve. It was the day (or P.M. rather) before the class party, he and his wife made a call. I had been washing therefore put on my raggedest apron, when I met them at the door. I was just sure it was Aunt Maud and Uncle Oscar, and was truly glad it was not on account of preparing for party.

I have not seen to my hat yet. We may go to Ft. Wayne Sat. to get Ruth some new glasses. She does not see good with these any more. I also read in Youth's Companion that near sighted people sometimes lost their sight entirely. So I am trying to get a move on some one.

Clark & Lloyd gathered a lot of walnuts last eve. I've been harping about them too. Our can of cream brought $4.98. I must quit and bake pumpkin pies, then iron. As soon as I can have sour cream will make you some cookies. Do you want them for Sun. eve. lunch? What do you have to eat? What grades did you get in Home Economics and Chemistry? Why have you never sent home any under skirts? Who is Mr. Zhering? No, you have never mentioned him or the "bike". When you have "dates" where do you go? Have you even written to Josephine or Dorothy Sprunger? If I go to Ft. Wayne & if I should see a piece of plaid silk or striped that I think you would like, shall I get enough for you a waist? (over)

Now that I have most of my questions in a group, maybe it will be easier to find them and ans. Will have hay-bailers tomorrow (Thur.) Then we want to harvest the beets. Help is scarce. We have none in sight yet. Mr. Thomas said if we could get local help to do so.

Am sending you an envelope that I picked up the next morning after the party. I waw Rollin S. sitting very quietly in the corner marking on an envelope, so I am quite sure it is some of his work. Pretty good, I thought.

I think I shall have to finish this now. Intended to last night but Ruth had to write a Theme, any how that is what she called it on "The Birds of Killingworth" in "Tales of a Wayside Inn". So I helped her all eve. Yesterday noon I had eight men for dinner, the hay bailers. Mrs. Whitsel helped from about 9-30 till three in P.M. Was glad she did for I still have my cold, especially cough. The Boss hay bailer is Blowers. The one who kept company with Maizie Reffe. Well, I think he makes quite a good appearance and surely is a hustler to work. Forgot to tell you I had those men for supper Wed. eve. and over night, & for breakfast. You know about how that goes here. Clark, R. & L. went down to Whitsel's. I think that birthday card you sent her was thoroughly appreciated.

I must not forget to tell you, even tho' I have to start on another sheet of paper to do it, that Ruth sang "Irene My Darling" at piano yesterday A.M. (at school) as a part of the opening exercises. It was the Freshmen's turn, so Clara asked Ruth what she would do. R. said she could sing. She didn't mean alone, but Clara held her right to it & Clark told her she had to so she managed to do it, and wasn't so badly scared as she thought she would be. Maybe she will come out of the "kinks" yet.

I sent you, but would guess, 35¢. Why do you ask? (Another question). No, you need not thank any one for that candy. Papa got some for Warren and me & that was what was left, so I just stuck it in. I was provoked. I told Clark to get a nice variety for me to send to you when I sent your clothes to you. But he just would not & I had reminded him of it so many times. So I told Papa to get some & have it in the house, so when I sent you anything else, it would be right here & cold send it too. So he got a little box (tin, I think.) I wanted bulk. So sometime you will get that. I must quit & go to work.

Much love from

To day is arbor day & they are going to set out a lot of trees as school.

Last eve, Forest Shoemaker ‘phoned up & asked Clark if he would be satisfied with Mr. Zehr (or Zer) as teacher of S.S. class. C. said yes. So I suppose he will be from now on. He lives near Joe Roth's.


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