Letters to Esther

Letters to Esther is a collection of letters written to Esther Munro of Geneva, Indiana. The letters span from 1900 to the 1960s, with the bulk of them coming from the 1920s.

Monday, January 24, 2005

February 6, 1920, From Lloyd and Mamma

Geneva, Indiana,
February 6, 1920.

Dear sister,

It sure has been a long time since I have written to you. Mamma hasn't time to write so I am writing for her.

Mamma has finished Ruth's bloomers for her physical training. Mamma made a red skirt for Ruth's middy. I think it looks very pretty on her. But, mamma says she looks as broad as she is long. Mamma shall fix her suit-coat.

Just think we got twenty-two eggs in one day one day. Since eggs are so low priced we don't sell them, we eat them.

Maybe mamma will go to Berne this morning to consult the carpenter. You see we just got some blue-prints the other day and they don't suit mamma.. When mamma gets these plans off her head she can write to you oftener. She can fix your clothes then.

I've been making valentines the last few days. Can you get me some cupids? I mean paper cupids. If I only could have some cupids, I could make many valentines.

You know, when the war was going on, no one hardly built any houses. And now every one is getting their lumber. So we shall have to hustle to get ours. Clark sent for some house plans of Gordon Van Tine of Chicago. He sent for them about three weeks ago and they haven't come yet.–We'll send you the letter they sent us. That'll explain it to you.

[From Mamma]

I think Lloyd has written you a pretty nice letter. I have to hustle with that plan or we can not have it this year. It will not be so elaborate as you & Clark would like to have it; but everything is so high. Uncle Jimmy Glendenning has been seriously sick. May be that is why the girls talked of coming home.

Did you know that Voe Moyer has a baby girl? So Ruth says. Guess she got it straight. Well, it will not be long ‘till you will be home (in April) for time flies so fast. Will fix your suit this next week. Clark is looking thru the book you sent.

Don't plan on plying tennis or anything very much this summer, for I'll have 5 carpenters to board for a long time & I hope you will be home in time to help a good deal, for I get awful tired now towards evening. Don't know how I will stand it then. Clark will write some.

With love–Mamma.


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