Letters to Esther

Letters to Esther is a collection of letters written to Esther Munro of Geneva, Indiana. The letters span from 1900 to the 1960s, with the bulk of them coming from the 1920s.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

November 13, 1919, From Richard

148 Sheety Street
November 13, 1919

Dear Esther,

I would not write today if it were not the thirteenth. Also I have some time to spare, as I only have a couple of examinations tomorrow and two or three other classes. Usually I have a test every day and sometimes several. You see here at Purdue they give us so many subjects and so much work that no one ever mentions a test or examination. It's such a common thing that we like to talk about something more interesting when we find time to talk or write. For myself I get tired of hearing just common ordinary things all the time.

It is remarkable that my letter did not get to you any sooner, as it was taken up by the postman at 5:30 P.M. Sunday Evening. I intended for them to give me better service than that. However if you did not worry nor "give a care" anyway, then why should I? No, you did not make any admission to me before this last letter's statement. But I found out didn't I? You would never tell me anything unless I asked in some manner. Now I am to infer that you do not worry about me. In other words, a test in Chemistry with a good, high grade is more important to you than any fellow could ever hope to be.--However, I could gain just the opposite from this, the optimistic view of your expressions. Do you think it wisest to take an optimistic or pessimistic view?

We had a wonderful celebration of Armistice day here at Sunset on Tuesday, also. All the cadet corps marched out upon the Purdue oval and stood retreat, after a series of speeches had been made. As the flag was hauled down a salute was fired by the field guns, and the "army" then marched off, passing in review before the commanding officer. Just one year ago, that day, I did detail work as a K.P., for Uncle Sam.

Monday evening I got to see the great Nazimova again, in "The Brat". She is a remarkably powerful and emotional player.

Saturday evening I take part in a playful adventure. I have, some weeks ago, been elected as a leader of a group of men in the M.E. Sunday School here. Our battalion, composed of several such groups meets for a social at the student pastor's home on State Street, near here. They counterbalance we fellows with a battalion of girls.

Best wishes,


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