Letters to Esther

Letters to Esther is a collection of letters written to Esther Munro of Geneva, Indiana. The letters span from 1900 to the 1960s, with the bulk of them coming from the 1920s.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

November 19, 1919, From Richard

Purdue University
Nov. 19, 1919, Wed. 4:30

Dear Esther,

Your big letter was the only one I received Monday; and perhaps you got my card. You seem to feel lonely or disappointed or something like that. You are not homesick, are you? Ha, at last! Speaking of friendships, I remember when I used to tell you of the value and worth of a friendship, and endeavor to convince you that my friendship was worth cultivating. Now that it has proceeded this far do you feel like it has benefited either one of us? If I have helped to place you in a rut, I shall surely be glad to help you out.

Have you ever achieved anything by hard effort, and then discovered or rather realized that it was not exactly what you want? So cheer up, if you are unhappy, and someday you may find someone or something to satisfy your ideals and longing. "I am adrift on a dark wintry sea", of indecision, or what ever you may choose to call a dissatisfied mind of thought. But you know the "path of love never runs smoothly".

Tell Miss Baker "Mr." Baker I wish to congratulate her him upon having such a nice little "wife" for a roommate. I suppose you are "married". How do you like your new man by this time? Ha, ha! Too bad he has to take drill; but from appearances he was a slacker anyway.

We do not have a vacation here at Thanksgiving, which means that most of us will have to stay here. You surely will not be alone there for Katheryn and Luella are not going home; at least I think now. It is not possible for more than one to come here for a visit or I should like to have them come up for a few days. I may invite one or the other anyway, I don't know.

This is a very hard week for me, lots of work and everything. Roomy and I both are the busiest persons you ever saw. (?) Last night (Tue.) I went to the Ag. society banquet, had a good time and lots to eat. I guess I never told you that I had a good time at the social Sat. evening also.

Now, if I choose to have another spell, I'll write again; sooner or later. Best wishes

Sincerely yours,


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