February 22, 1919, From Luella
Twenty-Second of February.
Dear Esther:
I have received your last letter a long time ago, but I certainly appreciate it even though I did not get to answer it until now.
We are being put through with work. College life is no snap. But the upper classmen say, after a person learns how to study it is not hard. I believe that, but I wish I could learn how to study. Ha! Upper class classmen can get their lessons in less time, if I had so many lessons and such hard lessons like they have, I could never find time to get them. But they do not seem to study much.
I suppose, you were out late again last night and I never thought about the class meeting at home last night. Oh, yes! You had something Thursday evening also. Your folks still call you in the mornings. Mine do not. Ha! Oh, I hate to be called, but no one calls me now, not even the alarm clock. Down here if the students have no alarm clocks they wear brac[e]let watches to bed and they do not have to get up to see what time it is, especially the boys for they all have them. Grand idea. If you get sleepy in school you must go to sleep like the rest do.
I suppose, you know all about Gladys G. by this time. I do not think I ever said much if anything about her. She has been at home several times but not when you were over. She was to church and Hartford late last summer, if I am not mistaken. But she left early and you would have not seen her if you were there. She came down in our neighborhood quite often last summer with Clair and his girl. Does Clair still go to Portland to see his girl?
You folks must certainly have a rather good basket-ball team.
You must not complain of even your lowest grades for as long as you stay in the 90's you are all right. There are many who get below 90 here. There are many make ups. Every one seems to get good grades at Hartford Central.
Did you get any spanking on your birthday? You believe in spankings, do you not? Ha! Then you ought to have had one. Ha! The students get spankings (with paddles) when they have a smoke up (when a student makes failures); that is I some of the fraternities and sororities--twenty-five licks. The sororities go to borrow paddles for that purpose. Do you remember our discussions on spanking? Well, Dr. Hale says, any one who paddles is fifty years behind (the) time--etc. Dr. Hale had a discussion on paddling in our class one morning. Wish you could have been there; it was to [sic] funny for any thing. Tell Clark, for I believe, he had the same impression of it as you did.
We had our Freshmen election last week and such a squabble as we had. People do not vote for the man at all. Which ever side has the most on beats, this time it was between the organized and unorganized students. Many upper classmen went and voted and some of them were caught at it. Then they had a quarrel over upper classmen voting, but both sides did it.
One P.M. I have done quite a bit since I was writing this last; ironed some, read the letters I received to-day, received company, as down stairs for a dance etc. and had my dinner.
I have so much work I do not know here to begin. When a person has so much to do, they do not wish to do any thing. The girls have been calling me to dance, so I went down for one dance. They will be calling again after while for me. I positively have to write some letters home. The youngsters always expect letters or else they are disappointed but they do not realize how much I have to do still. Talk about being crazy for letters, they are worse than college students.
I have nice music to write to for they are playing the violin and piano down stairs.
It has been rainy out all day to-day. If it is that way at home, Alva will say, we spend it home.
Next Tuesday the (free) Y.M.C.A. shows begin at the Student Building, which are given twice a week. Mary Pickford is on for Tuesday. The movies are always good up there, but I just hate the shows given up town; they are not interesting. I have been going often but we have not had many places to go except there. I have not been enjoying them.
I was down to the M.E. Social last night. Had a fine time. Did not get to bed until after eleven. But most of the "dates" remained here and made fudge. Every one here had quite a time last night. Oh! Yes, we sang Home Sweet Home last night. Imagine you singing it far from home. It changes the expression on the student's faces.
There's an olden Trail, There's a Golden Trail,
Where the birds sing sweet and low;
It will take you back to mother and the long ago;
There's a rain bow too, shining just for you,
It will guide you as you roam;
With the stars above, Watching down with love,
On the Trail that leads to Home Sweet Home.
Have you been watching the styles lately? We students have not time to watch them much, though they are getting them in down here. Spring coats run about $25.00 and hats up to $18.00, and dresses and waists are out of sight. I believe, the long dresses (skirts) are going to be the rage here. Tight skirts and split (so I heard). Honestly everything is so high. All the girls are worrying here as every thing is so high and they haven't the money to pay such prices.
I heard Dr. Taylor speak Tuesday evening. He is simply great. The church was packed and many were turned away and the M.E. church is enormous in size. He is the pastor who has been in France as a Y.M.C.A. worker. He does not act like a minister and is liked by every body. He can stir his audience into sorrow or joy. He certainly has a great gift or something--his audience sits so quiet, a person could hear a pin drop. You know, his wife died of the "flu" while he was in France. But he can just joke and is as jolly as ever. I wish you could hear him once.
I must stop for I have heaps of work awaiting me. Suppose you are having a good time with some work.
Do not know whether we will have any vacation or not. The dean of women, Miss Wells, said we would not. She ought to know. That is terrible. But time will tell.
Write when you can.