Letters to Esther

Letters to Esther is a collection of letters written to Esther Munro of Geneva, Indiana. The letters span from 1900 to the 1960s, with the bulk of them coming from the 1920s.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

September 21, 1919, From Mamma

Geneva, Ind. Sep. 21--‘19

Dear Esther--

Now may be I can tell you a little more than about the ordinary routine. You can't guess who came to spend the P.M. so I may as well tell you right now. Guess Clark felt some what lonesome as it was rainy and dark and dreary, so he said he'd go over and get Roland, in the "new-old" auto. Then Ruth said bring Janette and Lloyd said bring Leslie but to my surprise he brought Dorothy and Janette, besides Roland. She said she was almost afraid you'd be mad because she didn't come sooner when you were at home. I told her I wouldn't be any how, for we were feeling kind of lonesome any way. Of course Clark was in his glory for he had some company he liked & he began immediately (of course) to entertain. He and Roland made cocoanut fudge and it was real good. Put coloring (red) in it too. Then we gave them all the muskmelons they could eat then we talked about everything school, sewing, music, Nebraska & rattle snakes and the class party Clark is to have next month. Dorothy will help in the program. Did you know that she has been giving music lessons all summer? Had 19 pupils. Will give only Sat now. she took some of your Etudes home with her. I also gave her your picture. We all had a fine time and hope they had as good. They have bought a new "ford".

Papa sold the male lambs. Got 12¢ per lb. They brought $61.55 thought I'd tell you this while I thought of it.

I went to S.S. this A.M. So you see I can give you a report of that too. Emil taught. There were the two Felber boys & Bertha, Maizy, the preacher's son, Clark & Alva, Clark said Emil did O.K. I told Maizy she looked lonesome and she said she felt that way too. Bertha left immediately after S.S. was out.

Mr. & Mrs. Whitsel have just been up to spend the eve. I was going to write a long letter; but so much of the time is gone that I'll have to go to bed soon. When you ask Wilma who drives the Billy Haynes she says Richard Glendenning just as plain as any one.

I forgot to send you that calendar Clark has spoken of for the class party. I forgot I'd told you that once before. Guess I'm too sleepy to write now. Who have [you] heard from besides me? Or rather who have [you] written to. Remember, if you do not write you need not expect to hear from any one. Be sure & write to Velma, Dorothy, Irene Anderson, Bertha, Josephine & a few boys in the S.S. class. Believe Alva would be a good correspondent. Yes send one card anyhow to Leona L.

I must quit. Papa is going to get up early & this is the Bluffton Fair week. We might go.


September 21, 1919, From Richard

Sunday 12:30 P.M.
September 21, 1919

Dear Esther,

I received your second chapter Saturday A.M. just as I had to go out to drill at eleven. So you see I had something to look forward to at the end of the drill period, and after dinner also. You see, here at Purdue we have school on Saturday forenoon, and drill five times per week. You wrote a very delightful and interesting letter; and I am anxious to see what your next one contains.

I wrote you the truth anyway, but you still doubt my statements. I should think you would be tired of hearing me always assuring you and giving you complimentary views. I am very glad to do it if it pleases you, so just ask all the questions you wish.

On Sunday, at Purdue, we have dinner at one o'clock, so I guess it will be necessary for me to finishing [sic] writing this letter later in the afternoon. I am not going to do anything else then or this evening for that matter. Mr. Stafford (yes), my room-mate, went home yesterday so I am here alone. He lives only twenty-five miles away. his aunt is dangerously ill also, and a day or two ago he got a telegram summoning he and his sister home. Stafford is a nice fellow and promised to bring back some cookies to eat. Ha, ha! He is going to take me along out home with him sometime too. Well, I must get ready to go.

Back from dinner! We had chicken, two kinds of potatoes, beans, lettuce salad, gravy, cranberry sauce, iced tea, ice-cream and coke. I think I told you I boarded at Miss Baker's, an "old maid", for the regular sum of six hundred cents per week. Where do you eat? You said once that you thought you could eat there at your house. That is very handy, indeed. I believe Luella said she was eating at the cafeteria, which was so crowded. I am objectionable to any waiting in line for my meals like that, for it is very much like army style. They have three cafeterias here and the boys (girls too) sometimes line up clear out into the street in order to get to eat at noon. I ate up town there for a while but only until they got an opening for me at a club. It costs me very much to board at a restaurant too. Ha!

You asked me whether I liked Purdue better than Indiana. I.U. has a friendlier school spirit or rather social air, while that at Purdue is very snappy and business-like. There is lots of difference between the two schools in regard to college atmosphere in general, and it would naturally be expected when one considers the purpose of each school. An acquaintance is not easily made here. This is too large a place and there is too much to do. Yet, I met an old friend from I.U. last evening upon the streets of LaFayette who said that Indiana has about twenty-five hundred students this year. This fellow is Heimlich and he is working for the LaFayette paper. Says he is going back to I.U. next year if possible, because, although he does not attend school here he does not like it near so well as your school. It is very lonesome here in some respects, but I like the place very well despite all the trouble I have had. Just yesterday I had to get another new schedule made out. And by the way, an Ag. course is just as hard or harder than any course that old I.U. puts out. That is there is so much more work to do, in the same amount of time. For myself I prefer Purdue. But it all depends to a great extent which course one likes to pursue. I have an interesting one, and perhaps one that will broaden a man more than any other one here.

There are two hundred eighty-two women at Purdue. One hundred five are freshmen, the majority taking Science. Four girls are taking ag. Last year the first woman Ag. student graduated from the school. You never thought of doing that did you. Anyway I do not see that it is the proper thing for a girl to take. As a school for girls, if they wish to take science I believe it would do all right; but for some reason many people think this place is bad enough for boys let alone girls. These people however do not know exactly what they are talking about perhaps. If a man or woman wishes to lower himself or herself to any phase of bad living they will do it regardless of conditions and environments. Influences and circumstances have a powerful effect upon people just the same, but they are to blame also for certain things. The school itself, whether it be of science, technology or agriculture, is perfectly fine and efficient, holding a higher standard of scholarship and moral than I.U. It is the life outside that has the bad effect and the college is not to blame. Some of the fraternities and sororities are not ranked very highly. A person is all right and almost free from any influence whatsoever if he is with a good bunch. The social rules here are absent when one compares them with those of Indiana. Dates are free anytime and all that, but the girls have to get by with their work or get kicked out of the school. So there you have a little sketch of my idea of Purdue, the "gold and black".

If you were here you could have a date anytime you wished if, for there are enough boys, it is true. The dean of women (Shumaker [Ernestine Shoemaker]) is a very nice old lady. "I do not see what it is that they can see" but I suppose that I could get in on a few dates here if I chose to do so. a fellow wanted to get me a co-ed for Thursday night in order to go along with he and his girl to a social.

The girls do not interest me very much at Purdue to tell the truth. Alot of them have kind gentle appearances however, but they are as a rule not blessed with an over supply of good looks. I may be a pessimist though, or in a rut fallen. Ha!

I did not mean to say you could see Miss Wood in person. It would never do, but you can see her picture. I found the film at last. Ha, ha! She is teaching at her home somewhere, I guess. I don't know what has become of her and she has my last and best regards of course.

I do not wish to take up too much of your time so I suppose I cannot tell you very much about the Red Lantern. Nayimova [Alla Nazimova], a Chinese woman, was the star and the place was in the orient during the Boxer uprising. It was thrilling, dramatic and tragical, for she drank poison in the end.

A lot depends upon you whether we meet before Christmas. I would like to come to Bloomington very much sometime. I can make five connections but it costs six fifty-four. May be I'll drop in some day anyway to see you and all the others that I know. Please do not get homesick. The beginning is always bad, but it soon gets better. Keep smiling and go on. How od you suppose I feel?

Who is your French prof? I hope my sisters are treating you fine. Will have to write some later.


September 19, 1919, From Mamma

Home, Sep. 19--‘19 Fri. P.M.

Dear Esther--

You say write, write, well, we are doing our best, anyhow I am. Lloyd said he might, but was waiting for something to happen. You must remember you haven't been gone a week yet, and here I am writing to you the third time. I know I can never keep this up.

Ruth is hemming some wash-cloths for you. I[n] case you should get a cold you could use them in your room for hkfs [handkerchiefs].

Don't think Ruth has lost any of her weight yet, as she still resembles the "little baby mom". Yesterday she was just finishing a good sized melon all herself and she said "well, one is not enough."

Mrs. W. said to tell you that she told Wilma the other evening that you had gone away off to school then W. just layed [sic] there & called "Esther, Esther come back."

The men have been busy all day fa[...]ing the wheat for seed with the new mill and Warren & Lloyd have been terribly excited, especially so, because Clark moved Charlie (the engine) out to the barn to run the mill.

Had chicken for dinner.

I suppose you have rec'd about two letters from by this time. Seems to me the mail is very slow getting here from there. Yes, I wish you had sent your watch home. Is it too late yet?

I have imagined your rooms almost exactly as you drew them. What is the matter with your French teacher? Is it a man or woman and why don't you like them?

Am going to seed the mangos and put them in brine this eve. Did not go to the preacher's reception last night. Papa was so tired from cutting corn.

Do you miss the piano? How are your head aches now?

May be my next letter will be more interesting, as it is, I have not been off the place since you left and no one has been here but Mrs. W. Haven't even been rung up on the ‘phone. I must close and hunt for those rubbers.

May be some one else will write the next time.

Take good care of your health & write when you have time.

With love--from Mamma.

The book, washcloths & rubbers & this letter leave here this A.M. Sat.

Your card came yesterday noon & have ans. immediately. Clark will write when those pictures come.

September 19, 1919, From Richard

148 Sheety Street
West Lafayette, Ind.
September 19, 1919

Dear Esther,

It is probable that you never will catch up with your answers to my letters, considering the rate I am going. Usually I have classes from eight to three o'clock solid, which no doubt is more than you can boast of. Just the same I hope they do not work either one of us too hard and consequently retard our very happy correspondence.

Say, why didn't you try to "get in" with Miss Powder Puff and endeavor to make a sorority? I have seen Miss P.P. already and she surely is beautiful. You could then get out into society, dance, and meet all the sweet frat. men. Of course I might then be a back number myself, but I would do even that for you, under certain conditions.

You have not spoken of Miss Baker? How do you like old I.U.? Have you any difficult work or studies? French or Spanish? Do you get good eats and lots of them? Like kandy? Ha?

You seem to think that I did very well to go to the Methodist Sunday School on my first Sunday at Purdue. What will you think when I tell you that I had a "date" with a girl the first Sunday evening at Purdue? It's a bad start surely, or well? We went in a machine for a little drive out to the old Tippecanoe Battleground and around through Delphi. Got in early tho, at eleven. Ha! This business was thru the kindness and courtesy of L.J. Stafford. Everybody tries to lead me off. See? And although there are only four girls taking agriculture, two of them sit next to me in classes. I'll surely have to watch my step.

In addition to this, I dreamed in a dream the other night that you were married to another fellow, had a baby even, lived out in a valley somewhere, (Sleepy Hollow, I guess) and were unhappy but willing to stick by him. In order to satisfy me some you invited me to your home. I was very sad and unhappy, and woke up; much to my relief of course.

In answer to your questions, I do not think, really, that you are so strangely terrible.


P.S. Please don't you forget the next installment to that last letter.

September 19, 1919, From Virginia Carmichael

Bloomington, Ind.
September 19, 1919

Dear Miss Munro:

I have been notified by Miss Wells that you are to enter Indiana University this fall.

Have you ever been in Bloomington? If not, I am sure there will be many questions which you will want to ask. This year we are trying to make things a little easier for Freshmen. We are going to have a committee at the station to meet the Freshmen and answer any of their questions. When will you arrive in Bloomington? I am afraid that I shall not be able to meet you, but I wish you would call me up (phone 288) as soon as you get to your room. I shall try and come to see you and see that you do not have such a difficult task in matriculating.

Please write me and ask any questions which you feel you should like to have answered.

Yours sincerely,
Virginia Carmichael

[Ed.: The following letter from Agnes E. Wells, Dean of Women, was enclosed in the envelope.]

September 17, 1919, From Ruth

Geneva, Indiana
Sept. 17, 1919.

Dear Sister:

We did not get your letter until today noon. I have been telling mamma it seems so queer to find your side of the bed not touched. Mamma and I both say that we ought to find you in the bedroom a sewing. Mamma and I worked awful hard Monday. Mamma said she wanted to go right to sleep as soon as she went to bed. We went out and picked the beans we've been so longing to pick, that evening. Clark and Papa came home at some where around ten o'clock. Oh, Mrs. Whitsel milked Beauty cow Monday while papa was gone.

Yesterday I did every speck of the ironing and mamma put up some kind of tomato stuff. I forget now. I took Wilma on my lap to show her pictures. We cam across a baby. I asked her what its name was and she said , "Wilma".

Mamma to day can[n]ed nine and ½ quartes [sic] of the best tomato soup. It had all the seasonings in it butter and all. Also mamma backed [sic] bread and it turned out fine. Mr. Whitsel in cutting corn to-day cut his leg. Wasn't that luck. Papa wanted him to come to the house and have it fixed up but he only tied a handkerchief around it and went on with his work. Justice came just a few minutes ago with a Ford that we might buy. Lloyd is all excited about it. Warren told me to write his letter for him. He is so sleepy. When Papa and Clark came home the windshield was broken of[f] at the dividing part and one tire was flat and the iner toob [sic] was all in shreds. Mamma and I are fighting right now. Don't you hear me squeal? Mamma has been making all kinds of faces to-day. Papa is writing a check of $250 for the ford. They put of[f] the shower for the preacher until tomorrow evening. Mamma said if all of us were going we would take two old hens. Mamma has gone to bed what do you think of that. I have just got done gapping. I think I had better go to bed.


P.S. Clark has been running the Ford taking short trips (Sept 18 it is now 25 min. after ten.) Mamma is going to can some more catsup. I have stopped in the middle of my mopping to write this. This morning when I came down stairs Papa was eating his breakfast and mamma was no where in sight. Then I ate mine and Warren dressed and ate his. I waited quite a while after that pretty soon mamma came out and said she felt sick to her stomach. She didn't have much of a breakfast.

September 17, 1919, From Mamma

Home, Sep. 17--‘19

Dear Esther--

Ruth and I have under taken the pleasure of answering your first letter. Tho' really I do not know how we can fill up these big pages, for so little has taken place since you left home. I have been making more catsup and T. soup. This last batch of soup is the best I have made and I think it is because I had the butter to put in it. I am tempted to make more especially for you. Do you think you would make use of it?

The folks got home so much sooner than I had expected they would. 20 min. of ten I believe. All four of us had got in our bed and I had just taken a nap when the car came in. I was not looking for them before 1 o'clock any how and would not have been surprised if they had not come home till some time the next A.M. Clark showed me the inner tube and it looked like an old rag. They also jarred the wind-shield loose; other than that they had no mishaps. Am glad your trunk came so soon. When did the girls get theirs?

Oh! say! When Clark and papa came home, Clark was driving and when he got to the lane he forgot to drive in. Had to back up to come in after papa reminded him. He said he knew where he was, but "go" had been on his mind so long, that that was all he seemed to know. He said if papa had not spoken to him he believed he would have gone on to Geneva.

A man has just driven in to sell us his old Ford. Lloyd is fairly standing on his head when he isn't in the air altogether. Lloyd's toys have not come yet, but your dress pattern came the day you left. What shall I do with it?

Mrs. Witsel was making tomato soup today. When she canned her tomatoes she mixed yellow & red. I don't know if she did that when she made soup or not. Wouldn't it make a queer looking soup?

Ruth did the ironing. (Well! I didn't know I'd got to he end of my paper. Tho't I had another page. Well, I'll get used to this (top) before you get home. Ruth is making fun of my letter. R. just told me what she wrote & I believe our letters are very much alike.)

I believe if I were you I would send home all the soiled handkerchiefs you have on hands when you send your first lot of dirty clothes home, but between times wash them out by hand, unless your bundles come home too far apart. But I should think during the warm weather you would need to send clothes home as often as once in two weeks anyhow.

Will hunt up your rubbers and send them to you soon. Be sure to send those cards to your friends b4 you get right down to business, am afraid you'll forget it or feel that you're too busy then.

Do you think you will have that "reserved-no confident" feeling like you were in Piper? I can't help but miss your telling all about your school, the "little things" you know. What is the name of the woman where you lodge? Will you have clothes enough?

Well I must close or mail-man will be gone before I know it.

With love--from

September 16, 1919, From Richard

Sept. 16, 1919

Dear Esther:

Today was the first time I ever had the unobjectionable pleasure of receiving two letters from you at once. Please do not hesitate to write to me just because you know Kathryn of Luella is writing, because your mail is just as heartily welcome. In fact I read yours first and my sisters do not usually tell any news in their letters.

What do you think you did say in that letter you wrote Sunday evening and mailed at Muncie? I presume you have recalled that you might possibly have said something that betrayed your true feeling or attitude towards me? And your timidity makes you feel that you do not want me to know it? I think even more of you for saying what you did; even tho you do not remember it now. You must censor your letters very severely if you consider holding back one like that. Sleepiness is all right sometimes.

Oh, that pitiless third Sunday in July when I played the reckless game with girls' hearts! You recall my past record with ease, but your knowledge is not complete, quite. Two weeks later when you and I went along to Rome City, she (Miss wood) had asked me over for a date. I told her that I was going up to the lakes then; and she later said she hoped I had a good time. I did. Esther would you like to see her? And if you knew how I spent my first Sunday evening at Purdue! You need not worry much however, as I am still feeling right.

Gee, I wish I could have been at home last Sunday. I am not getting to bed much earlier. Last night (Mon.) I & Mr. Stafford went to see "the Red Lantern" of which you were telling me. Tonight I am going to a freshman reception at the Judging Pavilion. So you see, no matter where I'm at, I am busy at something when I should be sleeping like a good little boy should.

I am glad that you are not homesick while at I.U. It is a very interesting place to study, "campustry" included in the studies of course. You surely had a fine way to get to Bloomington, and you even got to register without much difficulty on the same day. I am very glad to hear that House looks natural, also. If he saw this school once he would change some of his ideas. This is a real school for anything that makes a man fitted for his business. It is large, beautiful and has a well defined purpose. Jumping from I.U. into snappy Purdue is no joke. A liberal arts school is very far distant from the rel life. It is too much ideal and cultured to be classed with my present "affliction".

I am not getting settled very well yet and I have been here just one week. Yesterday I had to go around to the office and get an entirely new class schedule made out. You see I am partly Sophomore and some freshman, so that a mixed schedule is some bother. It's not much use however for I shall have to spend four years here yet anyway according to the present outlook. I have biology, Mathematics, Agronomy 2, Agronomy 21, animal Husbandry 4, Poultry, and field artillery drill. Of the five letters I got today one was from the war department here summoning me over for something like a mistake.

I am wishing that I were home in order to get something good to eat, like watermelons for instance. Ha, ha! I just got back from supper. A club at 6 per. This is a great town to spend cash.

In order to have you use your new watch I wish you would tell me how old this letter is when it reaches you. It is now 7:00 o'clock P.M. Tuesday. I wish you happiness.


September 15, 1919, From Richard

September 15, 1919

Dear Esther:

I am sure then that I can trust you in whatsoever it may be; but you do try to make yourself a stranger to me, don't you? I can hardly tell how to receive you and your ways. Just the same I am going to learn you better yet, or fail entirely. "So now you have my opinion on that subject".

I was very glad to get your letter, and for writing, you deserve this one. I am sure. Of course I shall be anxious to get that other short one that is due. I do not remember whether my ears burned or not, but I suppose they did, especially since you were talking with another fellow about me. something would be sure to burn.

Did Luella say that she was glad that everything was so dreadfully quiet? I surely did keep things alive but my sisters have my love despite their attitude. However I do not suppose she meant that which is not actually the case. And I should be interested in knowing what kind of a girl is going to take care of you at school. A stranger? I wonder if you have decided to accept her aid. Y.W.C.A? Did you tell them you taught S.S.? Ha, that reminds me of yesterday, Sunday. I went to S. school and church. I may say here that I started in well for it being my first Sunday at Purdue.

Do you want me to tell you everything by letter, Esther, or shall I postpone all good and bad news that I have until I see you again? What do you want me to write, my life at Purdue and the school itself, or just answer your questions? I think that, if in your next letter, you answer all I have asked, then there will not be much space for anything else. This letter ought to reach you in the midst of your troubles.


September 11, 1919, From Richard

148 Sheety street
W.(est) La Fayette Ind.
September 11, 1919

Dear Esther:

You may be surprised to get another letter from me so soon, but I hope you will pardon me if it is not all right. There hardly ever was a time when I, myself, did not welcome a letter from someone and especially you. However I do not ask you by any means to keep up with my pace. I imagine this will be my last letter to you until you reach I.U. The first few days you spend at the school will no doubt make you feel very blue, and if so, then will be the time to receive cheerful letters. Registration, enrollment and trying to find your proper schedule in its proper place is a very discouraging proposition and a person certainly regrets at that time that he ever went away to college. However, as in all things, the situation will become more enjoyable or grow worse.

I have had one grand (?) time to get started here at this new school. There is so much red tape connected with it all, and this is such a large school that it reminds me of the army. In speaking about the army, I shall soon be a soldier again. This time a member of the Field Artillery. This also will be my last year of compulsory military training. From Indiana University I get credit here for Freshman English 1 & 2, Chemistry 1& 2, and a year's work of drill in the R.O.T.C. The 1 and 2 stands for the 1st and 2nd semester, or a term of school. It will in all probabilities take me four years to take all my work here. I had hoped not.

I shall be very glad if I can be of any help to you in choosing your work at I.U. If you should take Home Economics there and intend to come to Purdue next year, then it would be advisable to take French as your Romance Language. You could get credit for it here and I am not sure about Spanish. They would not give me credit for any without making me take another year. I would not do it so I guess I lose it.

Wishing you the best of luck I am yours.


September 9, 1919, From Richard

148 Sheety Street
La Fayette, Indiana
September 9, 1919

Dear Esther:

Once more it is necessary for me to express my thoughts to you by writing. How I sometimes wish that I could be with you always! Perhaps you may have thought I did from the way I stayed last night or so. Yet I can not easily tell a girl like you what I think.

It is now 9:00 o'clock and I have been at Purdue six hours. Would you believe me if I told you that I felt a little sleepy. Ha, ha! And I am thinking of you at the party, also. I'll wager my green cap that I will beat you to bed for once, tonight. They are wearing them here at Purdue. Ha, but I see where I may have to wear one for a while. And the appropriate one will have a yellow button on top, with a very short visor. It is rumored that the yellow button stands for the agricultural students and the red for the engineers.

Will you think that I have rather low ideals for choosing agriculture as my course here? It is all that I care very much about doing, so I am going to try it. Old I.U. taught me a few things and I have learned the rest by experience, what little I have had. You have never been very well informed yet about what my plans were. I can not quite explain why I act so unless it is because I do not feel on intimate enough terms with you. Or because I fear to intrust anything in your possession. May I feel safe?

I traveled all the way from Portland with a Shimp whom I was acquainted with. He is almost 22 and is here to just begin. My room-mate is a Sophomore "Ag" student.

Best wishes and write soon.


September 4, 1919, From Mamma

Thurs. P.M. (4 o'clock)

Dear E--

Your second letter came this noon and as you want those questions answered soon, I'll write this P.M. and send this to town this eve, then I suppose it will leave tomorrow by seven.

The nearest town to which papa was born was La Selle [sic] Ill. None of those diseases would be considered common in papa's or my family unless it would be rheumatism (in mine) and indigestion, while the different relatives have had more or less of those diseases, they are not common.

I think you would find 6 o'clock a good hour to get up at. Yes you did fine, now if you can only go to bed early.

Am sorry you girls took so much of Kathryn & Luella's time for enrolling. Am afraid it may hinder them from getting to take some of the studies they wished to take. Well Sat. & Sun. are not far off. So rest when you get the chance. Mrs. W., Wilma & Clark took a ride around the farm in the new old Ford this A.M.

Have your watch fixed as soon as you can for you'll need it.

I tried Ruth's gingham dress on her this P.M. It is tight now. She & I were having a big laugh over her being so big when I heard some one come in. Thought it was Clark, was going to tell him to go down & borrow Mrs. Whitsell's pattern for Ruth, may it would be big enough. But it was Mrs. W--. herself. So I told her any how, and when she saw how tight R. could make it look she couldn't help but laugh good, & said may be it wouldn't be big enough.

Will close now as Clark & Mr. Whitsel are going to town.

What dresses have you been making use of. Could you have used the reading lamp, & can you use the iron?

How do you like the girls who room in that house.

I am anxious to drive down there before cold weather sets in.

Much love, from

[Ed.: The following scrap of paper was tucked into the envelope.]

June 25, 1919, From Catherine M. Christie

Decatur, Ind.
June 25, 1919

Dear Miss Munro,--

I am sending you, under separate cover, a little booklet recently published under the auspices of the Purdue Girls Club. It was published for the benefit of the alumni who returned for commencement week. I thought you might enjoy reading it as it will tell you quite a lot about Purdue. Have you a Purdue Catalogue? If not, write for one at the Registrar's Office, Purdue University, W. Lafayette, Ind.

I am anxious for you to come down so that I can "talk over Purdue" with you. Any time.

Very sincerely, Catherine M. Christie

June 10, 1919, From Clyde Romey to Zoie

415 S. Darling St
Angola Ind
June 10--19

Dear Zoie--.

Well as you and Muarry are the only two of us kids of "‘19" that aren't up here and as I wrote to him yesterday that I'd drop you a line and let you know I landed at Angola a week ago yesterday.

I haven't been to College any this week--got the Hives--Went to the lake last Teus. [sic] and at first I thot they were mosquito bites, and then poison but when I saw a doctor he said "Hives"--not "Bee's" All 3 of us guys room a the same place--also feed our faces here

We've not met all kind of fellow's here some from New Jersey, Vancouver, Hawaii, Philipines [sic], Ill. and Japan. A guy from Hawaii rooms right here and he sure is jolly kid, only Heller says he's kinda afraid of the girls--Lulu's--

I've been playin a little tennis, got a dandy court right across the street.

Well spose you are kinda lonesome since school is no more Eh? And will be glad when you go tripping off to I.U. This fall Eh??

Whats Brother Blake doin these days? Thinkin of the time when we used to drink champagne--or letting it squirt all over him? Ha

Well must close

My ‘dress is
415 S. Darling St
Angola Ind

Clyde Romey

June 10, 1919, From Lloyd Heller to Zoie

415 South Darling St.
Angola Ind.
June 10th 1919.

Dear Zoie:

I will take time to write you a few lines to let you know I am still amongst the living. I am in Angola now and everything is all O.K. Well how is every thing coming around Geneva, just as usual I suppose. I wish I were back there for a while especially for another junior reception or something like that. Ha! Ha! Some time we did have that night. I like the school up here just fine and Clyde and I have rooms just across from the college building, so it makes it nice for us. You see we can sleep until late in the morning that way. Although I don't sleep until eleven oclock like I did the morning after the reception. I heard you made it on literature the last time you tried the teacher's exam. Good for you girlie I will sure have to congratulate you on that. Say Esther have you got your pictures from Berne yet and how are they? I didn't get mine before I came up here and I think will get them when I come home the Fourth of July. Say when answer my letter (if you ever do) send one of yours up here so I and Clyde will have one of our schoolmates to look at. You get the point do you? Of course, Zoie you understand what I mean if I do drink champagne once in a while. Ha! Well it is about time for my afternoon class, so I will close for this time.

From Your old schoolmate
Lloyd Heller.
415 South Darling St.
Angola Ind.

Ans soon.

June 1, 1919, From Richard

June 1, 1919

Dear Esther:

Owing to the holiday on May 30, and the consequently very heavy mail Saturday, I had not the pleasure of receiving your letter until almost (Sat.) noon. This is a very hot Sunday, in fact it is warm, and I am wondering if your weather is so extremely uncomfortable also. But I presume that you have (or have had) an opportunity to enjoy a car ride thru the breezy air of open country. It is a most exquisite pleasure on such days as these and the chance of good fortune should be appreciated. I was out in a big Cole the other evening and the event reminded me of course of days long since past and forgotten, no doubt.

College life is a wonderful and valuable experience in which, life itself, knowledge, work, and romance are blended strangely together to give a person learning. Learning is not an accumulation of facts, but the creative ability to make a relationship between facts. There is produced a state of mind which is aloof from the incredible number of trifles and small frivolous affairs of so-called men and women. Let us hope it (learning) produces good taste in as many things as is possible for as Ruskin, the great critic of architecture and social life, says; "Good taste is a moral quality". It is an expression of good or bad intellectual and moral qualities.

I am sorry you had to stop your work in order to write to me; who by the way does not consider himself so very important.

I hope to see you during vacation.

Yours Truly,

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

May 26, 1919, From Lillian

Van Wert, Ohio,
May 26, ‘19.

Dear Cousin

I suppose you have received my card by this time, and am sorry it is necessary to write again, concerning your coming, but Wayne has the measles. He first took sick last Thursday evening. He is getting along all right and they are coming out thick. We keep him upstairs in the sleeping porch. If it is so you can come, and you're not afraid we want you to come anyway. Just use your judgment about it. We received a card from one of the neighbor boys. There are eighty-three in the Class.

In haste,

May 26, 1919, From Richard

May 26, 1919

Dear Esther:

I received your pleasant letter on a fairly decent day, although I believe it did rain some Saturday. I must be peculiar when it comes to moods on a rainy day, for I feel just as happy. Perhaps it is because I rejoice in company that conforms to my own spirit. I think I should read the bible more and thus be able to find an explanation for anything. I was to Sunday School last Sunday (Dimanche dernier) Pres. Bryan, president of Indiana University, teaches the students' class. He is a great man.

This has been a fair day for me, but the end is not yet. Ha! I have some very agreeable lessons for tomorrow and they are yet to be prepared. I am no longer a soldier, having received another discharge. No Military drill for me this summer. Ha! You guess? Hope you are having a good time.

Yours Truly,

May 23, 1919, From Richard

May 23, 1919

Dear Esther:

I shall have enough time to write to you before the six o'clock mail leaves the town; therefore you ought to receive my letter tomorrow, Saturday. I have been awfully busy! I suppose you have been also in the same circumstances.

We are thru with military drill for this term, and turned in our uniforms this afternoon. It was an exquisite pleasure. Yesterday was All-University day and as it rained most of the time it was not a complete success. The important thing which did take place was the Freshmen against Sophomores scrap which was begun about 2:00 o'clock and ended fifteen minutes later. The battle of Jordan took place on the muddy field of Jordan and was a most desperate and thrilling fight. You can imagine the mix-up when the shot was fired to start business. We Freshmen charged to start like Napolen's [sic] Cavalry at Waterloo, and it was a Waterloo for the "Sophs". One fellow had a shoulder dislocated and all came out of the fight as muddy as swine (?). I only lost a few buttons and got all muddy. You know it is a college tradition for the "Sophs" to try to "lick" the Freshmen. We simply over-whelmed them and enjoyed the procedure too. A part of the events of yesterday will take place tomorrow, only they will be more peaceful mature.

I shall be worked very hard from now on by the teachers. I have to read Vanity Fair also yet. Ha, ha! And it is a novel without a hero. I am drifting towards the inevitable end so I shall check my pen.

Hoping to hear from you soon, I remain yours,


May 19, 1919, From Luella

Indiana University
Le dix-huit mai, 1919.

Dear Esther:

Is it wrong to write letters on Sunday? Or is it the same as studying on Sunday? I have not opened a book to-day. A speaker who was here recently said we should be efficient enough to get our lessons before Sunday. I never can study on Sunday no difference how hard I try--for my mind seems to be far away from my lessons. That is what all college students say. Something must take the power of concentration away from books.

I have not been to school since last Wednesday and I do not know when I am going back. About all I have to do is to write letters. I have been writing home every day and that takes up a great amount of time.

What have you been doing since school is out? Do you not wish you had some of your high-school days over again? You know when a person is in high school they are care free; after they are through high-school they are more responsible for themselves, especially if their folks are poor financially. Though the best all around good people in college are those who work their way through college.

I had a fine motor ride this after noon. It was certainly a lovely day for motoring. The country is so beautiful for motoring or for hikes. Though I have not taken so very many hikes so far. It is no fun to go unless one has good company. Good company can hardly spare a whole day off very often.

Monday 11.15 A.M.

I have been busy all fore noon and have not done much either. Have been looking for a dress pattern but I have not even decided upon that. I did rid out my trunk--but it is almost full again and I have nothing in it either. I do not see how a person will get every thing home.

The fire engine was out here while ago for a fire near but they got it out. I do not know what caused it but it must have not amounted to much.

I am sorry I got that camisole to [sic] large but probably if it is drawn up some and washed it will be all right. For my part I do not like them large but most every one down here gets them large--of course they do not dare to fit tight at all. I suppose you received lots of presents.

Do you not think Rev. Snider set a bad example for the Willing Workers? They are taking it up any way. There are seemingly bright prospects for some of the others too.

I am disappointed I did not get any mail this fore-noon. I am going to call Richard for he very likely received some for me.

I hope you are enjoying yourself instead of feeling lonesome.

Admiringly yours

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

May 19, 1919, From Richard (Includes Esther's Reply)

Bloomington, Ind.
May 19, 1919

Dear Esther:

Perhaps you were expecting a letter from me today (Saturday); but circumstances have kept me from writing sooner. The sacrifice of time and spirit in doing so might have been the proper course. Still, I do not suppose that I trouble you very much, except when I present an enigma in some of the many different forms.

I guess I shall not explain any of my previous statements, for judging from your last letter they were harmless. Did you not say once that you were too honest? Perhaps you are too innocent, or too easily influenced also. I can assure you that from your own estimation you are no know-nothing. Of course I shall not think so either. It may be well that all I say is not transparent.

I had understood that Snider (Rev.) was not to be married until June. No doubt he surprised several. I wish I could congratulate Harry Cooper also. Marriage is a popular, interesting and mystic game to play. Since music is a part of the game, I may say that Mr. Piatos is a Filipino, who does not dwell here, but merely was visiting. Yes, we have a rather small orchestra.

I have been very busy and shall be until the end of this term. There is so much to do that one is never idle. I attended an M.E. social (the I.U. students class) last night and had a very pleasant time. Tonite is a "mixer" for the unorganized students.

An aeroplane has just been in the town doing some clever flying for us. I think it has already returned home, wherever that might be. A big ball game is also on with Ohio State.

Hoping that this letter meets with favor, I remain

Yours Truly,

P.S. I shall be home a few days at least. It is uncertain.

[A rough draft of Esther's reply was enclosed in the envelope.]

Geneva Ind.,
May 22, 1919.

Since letters are an unsatisfactory means of arriving at an understanding I shall not say any thing more for the present about that "mystery".

You surely must be busy if you went to all the things you named besides keeping up with your regular work. How are you getting along with your violin lessons? Clark has been attempting to play a little bit on ours the last two or three days in order to take up some of his spare time this rainy weather. It has rained every day but Sunday. Do you get any more sunshine than we, I wonder. Doesn't it effect [sic] your nerves? (disposition) If we were to have such weather for long I'm afraid I'd be a regular bear. It was rainy at the class meeting. [The meeting] was at Bertha's last Tuesday evening. There wasn't a single car there, which is unusual for this country, considering the condition of the roads and the weather. There was a good crowd, more than I expected. I think every one had a good time. We "Unwilling Workers" are trying to find something we can do for Childrens Day. What we want is difficult to find. We want something that won't require much work or time and yet will be nice and unusual. I mentioned a tableau but I don't know whether that would do or not. We may not give anything at all which would be satisfactory to the majority. Alva said if they only wanted a dime or a piece of cake we could easily give that but he didn't know of anything else.

To-night Clark took Ruth to prayer meeting. Doesn't that surprise you? But there's a reason. Ruth's class is going to organize too, either before or after prayer meeting. I think it must be after its getting so late now and they haven't come back. And last evening he took me to choir practice although he had planned to go to the movies. He didn't want to go and neither did I but I had to meet some of the members of a committee. Everything I have done and every where I have been since school was out has been connected with Sunday School. The next class meeting will be at Martins probably on the ninth of June. We (the W.W. Class) talked of going to Hoagland some Sunday in time for S.S. and surprise Mr. Snider. June 8th was mentioned as a possible date. I don't think he is really married yet though I have heard that report, several times.

Last Sunday our whole family took dinner at Amos Shoemakers. We had a good time. We played several games of croquet. The boys played one game that I thought they never would finish they spent so much time in argument over the rules and so forth. Maybe thats [sic] the way one is supposed to play, I never knew the rules well enough to have much to say. I am hoping we can have a better croquet ground this summer than last. You know how rough it was.

May 11, 1919, From Richard (Includes Esther's Reply)

May 11, 1919

Dear Esther:

I love to get big letters, but I shall not wish that you stay up all night in order to write a letter to me, unless you think it is really important. I wish, however, that I could write you a longer letter once. No doubt you would be surprised.

Say Esther, your graduation must have been very stormy all the way there. Starting Sunday, I suppose. Everything was calm and peaceful here Sunday evening. Not a drop of rain; or a single tear.

And then the Junior Reception and Commencement night! You don't mean to say that the class sat on the stage alone and the curtain was raised when all were posed as so much stage decoration! You must surely be joking for once. I looked up your program and find that there was a march, so that strengthens my conviction. But then I believe Tressie said that in order to get to hear the exercises she stood up in the back of the room. Some impropriety must have happened. And what do you mean by this statement: "But I did carry one commencement night." Really you are getting "farther" and "farther" each day; or I am absent. It is nice however that you got paid well for graduating. Seven dollars and seventeen cents is not bad, apiece. What memento did your class leave the school?

Sure, I remember the rifle practice that Sunday in the timber. Gee, weren't we sinners? (Were you to S.S. today; I was not.) I wish I was out there shooting now; again. Since I have been down here, I have learned much more about the army than while in it. We had bayonet business the other day. Don't shudder, it is nice to see.

Say, did they use Clark's contraption to get the curtain up? Ha, ha! Pardon me, for it might not be such a happy medium. I am yet in doubt.

I cannot be too rude to you; but are Elizabeth and Laurence to be married on that trip, before or after? I would find great delight in being with you in Indianapolis or Bloomington, but it might be inconvenient. Don't you think it would? The conditions are questionable; in case it is a honeymoon trip. I am speaking frankly to you alone when I say that I prefer different company, if I did get to go. One's associations must be like a ladder, and with the most emphasis placed upon the ideal which is on the higher step. But what I have run into saying is only connected indirectly with the subject of main interest to you, perhaps. On a whole I think the plan you propose is impractical, considering the conditions of us all. Please don't think I am a snob because of this.

I wish it were so that you and I could motor to Bloomington. If you could, or should ever happen to come here I assure you that you should have a very pleasant time. And I also. I may not be here in June, however. Why, June is the month when matrimonial "barks" are launched, isn't it? The first thing I know I shall be drifting from what? into the beautiful, shady lanes of romance. Esther, are you romantic?

I have to prepare an argument for Tuesday on the Philippine question of Independence. Tonight I have a date with a Filipino, for the sole purpose of achieving said debate. Ha. They are certainly cute, interesting people; and easily influenced along the lines of courtship. Last night Rush, Piatos and I with the aid of Conelly called up four girls (different) and proceeded to get stung thrice and very gladly received once. The idea was to play for them over the telephone. Rush & Piatos play mandolins. You should hear our orchestra give its entertainment for the girls' special, beneficial amusement. House, the democrat, went home this week end. I am alone at present. With well wishes,

Still with Sincerity,

This letter means what I intend; but there may be some obscurity.

[A rough draft of Esther's reply was enclosed in the envelope.]

Geneva Ind.
May 13, 1919

Dear Richard:

I believe I will answer your last letter first. Can't you believe it when I say that the class sat on the stage when the curtain was raised and didn't march in at all? That is what actually happened. I know we had a "March" on the program but those programs were printed quite a while ago. We changed our plans after we found it would be almost impossible to march in. The class was not up there alone however for Mr. Neusbaum, Mr. Walker, Mr. Christian, the speaker, and the minister were there too. We hadn't expected all of them to be up there. Things didn't go according to our plans.

You asked if Elizabeth and Lawrence were going to be married while on that trip to Indianapolis. No, I don't think they will for some time but I don't know any thing about it. I wish Elizabeth would and would invite me for I would like to see at least one wedding before I die. It might be inappropriate to say here that I heard on good authority that Harry Cooper was married. He was at S.S. Sunday with a girl I didn't know. When the services were over I asked who she was and was told she was his wife. Emil told Clark that Harry said they were married so I suppose it must be true. I think he is beginning married life pretty young.

Mr. Snider started the marrying idea in that class, Harry Cooper took it up, now I wonder who will be next. Several of the members of the class are getting to be of an age where such things should not be surprising.

You say you may not be in Bloomington in June. Then may you after all be home this summer? Or do you know yet definitely?

Am I romantic? Some one else would probably be better able to tell than I. I think almost every one, no matter how practical they may appear ordinarily, have something romantic in their makeup.

I wish I could hear your orchestra. Are there just the three pieces in it? Who is Piatos? I don't remember of your ever mentioning that name before. I thought I knew the names of all who lived at the same house you did.

No wonder you didn't understand what I meant by saying , "But I did carry on Commencement night." I think it will all be perfectly clear to you though if you will ad an "e" to the "on". That changes the meaning a little doesn't it?

Now as to the other letter. I didn't get it until Monday. I was somewhat surprised and very much puzzled as to just what you mean. I didn't answer it immediately because I thought I would probably get another letter from you to-day that might help enlighten me concerning the other. I will gladly explain or tell you what ever you want to know if you will just state plainly what. (Pretend I am in the primer class.) I have thought and thought and the more I think the less I know.

May 15, 1919, From Mrs. George Woodring

May the 15 1919

Cecil O

Dear Friend Esther when I received your announcement I was sick for I could not get to town am better, will send this with the greatest of love. Buy what ever your fancy wants and remember me may your life be only sunshine.

Your Friend
Mrs Geo Woodring

May 9, 1919, From Richard

Indiana University
May 9, 1919

Dear Esther:

I hope you have fully recovered from the effects of the sad parting with high-school life. How far into the future have you seen? Is not life just full of mysteries and perplexites [sic]?

There is a question in my mind concerning your "attitude" at present. The unsolved is to know what has been done by me to make certain things unexplainable. I hope it is not necessary for you to try to understand this.

We have rain, rain, rain. I guess I shall celebrate for someone tonight, May 9. Hope to hear from you again soon.

Yours Truly,

P.S. Please pardon my short inspiration,

May 7, 1919, From Velma

Taylor University,
Upland, Ind.
May 7, 1919.

Dear Esther,

How are you any way? I haven't seen or heard from you for so long but I am hoping to see you Friday evening. There is a class play at Hartford City and we want you and Clark to come and go to that and then stay at our house over Sunday. I will go home Friday evening. I suppose you are not quite so busy since your school is over. I have been real busy. We have been having a wonderful revival here. The evangelist left Tuesday morning but are still having services. Must get ready to go to class now. Be sure and come Friday evening.


May 6, 1919, From Cousins Ben & Lillian

Van Wert, Ohio,
May 6, '19.

Miss Esther Munro,

Dear Cousin,

We thank you very much for the Commencement Card you sent us. I suppose to-day you feel like the motto, "Out of school life into Life's School." If your life work is as satisfactory to others as I am sure your school work has been to your teachers you will be a success in whatever you undertake.

We have a gift for you here but as it is breakable we thought best not to sen it through the mail, but we may possibly be over next Saturday, but don't look for us too strongly.

Your cousins,
Ben & Lillian

Sunday, February 06, 2005

May 4, 1919, From Richard (Includes Esther's Reply)

The House of Mayfield
May 4, 1919

Dear Esther:

I went out to the rifle range yesterday at 7:30 o'clock and did not get back until 4:30. And it was my luck to have your letter lying there unopened all day long. You may guess how sad, and how glad I was over such a situation. I thought that that would be my predicament. My life is made up of various expressions and emotions caused by all circumstances.

What? My visits not long enough when I stay until after twelve each night! The beginning is not far enough from the end, is it? I shall try to improve, the next time. If it is permitted. Ha.

"The hours I've spent with thee,
Are as a string of pearls to me;
I count them over, everyone apart,
My rosary, my rosary."

I shall try to think of you this evening in regard to the baccalaureate exercises. Here is hoping that you have a better time than last Sunday evening at those exercises in Geneva. No doubt your class contains better looking students, for one thing. Did you have that Junior reception yet?

This is such a beautiful day, a very good on to remind one of home. I did not go to a house of worship today; but instead went on a more patriotic (pardon me) business, the seeing of a "Liberty Loan" train of war trophies. They had three carloads of guns, planes, a tank, and various other murderous-looking contraptions. Of course I had seen similar exhibitions before; but this was a special Sunday attraction (?).

I had not much work to make up on account of Monday; but had a chemistry examination Tuesday. I had a great time out at the rifle range yesterday, but it would take a volume tot tell about it all. My shoulder is still sensitive because of the heavy recoil of those Army rifles.

I am interested in that proposal. Ha! Doubtless I shall be pleased and interested.

Heartiest congratulations to you, a most honored graduate of Hartford! May success and happiness forever be yours.

Yours Truly,

[A rough draft of Esther's reply was enclosed in the envelope.]

Geneva, Ind.
May 8, 1919.

Dear Richard:

I was just trying to count up how long ago you were here. So many things have happened since that it seems about a month. I could write all night telling about our doings if I thought you would care to read so much about those things. Wouldn't it have been grand though if you could have been a member of my class and had a share in all the recent good times.

I wonder if the weather behaved at Bloomington last Sunday evening as it did here. The lights went off five times during the last half of the evening. It rained so hard on the way home. It was the hardest rain I was ever out in.

Monday the whole class went to Berne to have our pictures taken. I like that place much better than Portland. Of course I haven't got the finished pictures yet but all the work I could see was good. We got the proofs Tuesday evening. There was the smallest man there. He was not as tall as I am.

Monday night was the Junior reception. I think every one enjoyed themselves. Someone had been changing the clocks at school until no one knew what time it was. I looked at the clock just before going upstairs to bed and it was twenty minutes of four. The principal game of the evening was "Skip to My Lou". It is New to the crowd over there. It worked fine on the school room floor. Do you remember how we used to get out of breath skipping and part of the time we would have no music? Well they over came that difficulty. They skipped to the music of the graphophone. (Rose Moyer had brought her's for our entertainment.) It worked fine (though I can't see much difference between that and dancing except that it was more lively and everyone can do it while not every one can dance.) Those who came back the next morning to decorate for t graduating exercises were tired, sleepy, and cross. So you may know the stage wasn't fixed up as nice as it might have been. We didn't march in but sat on the stage and had the curtain raised. The address by Dr. Rigdon was fine. Every one enjoyed it so much. His home is at Danville a little ways west of Indianapolis. We took him out to the school house and also back to town.

The next day all the seniors were back at school. We had lots of business to attend to. After paying for the speaker, the invitations, flowers, name cars, programs, advertising, and all other expenses we had enough left from the proceeds of the play and Commencement night to give $7.17 to each member of the class. I think that is about as cheap as a person could very well be expected to graduate. After the school house was cleaned up we took some pictures then decorated Tressie's and Clyde Romay's car in the senior class colors (the crepe paper had been used the night before to decorate the stage.) All twelve who were there (six seniors, Tressie, Miss Byerly Clark, Josephine, Russel Steiner and Rose Moyer) filed in and went to town where Miss Byerly treated the crowd to ice cream. We acted up just as silly as we could. The boys were the girls' hats and the girls the boys' caps. We drove over town a little and went down to Miss Porter's and took some more pictures.

I have received a nice lot of presents and all such nice ones. Those handkerchiefs you sent me are very pretty and so dainty. I think I shall have to do with them as mamma does with every very pretty handkerchief she gets,--lay it away. But I did carry one Commencement night. I thought if I were very careful it would be safe. When you come back on your next visit I will show them all (gifts) to you.

You must be more nearly a soldier now than you were while in the army, for you didn't get to shoot then. Do you remember our shooting one day last summer?

That proposition I have to make is this. I was talking with Elizabeth Martin the other day and she said she and Lawrence were going to Indianapolis some time this spring, probably in June, to spend a day or two. She asked me if I would like to go along and have you come up to Indianapolis for the day. I didn't know what to tell her for I didn't know how it would suit you. You might not enjoy it at all or it might be very inconvenient for you. Of course that is the bare structure of the plan. It can be elaborated and changed a great deal or discarded altogether. I have always wanted to see Indianapolis and Bloomington too.

May 3, 1919, From Aunt Rosetta to Esther's Family

May 3--19.

Dear Brother & Sister and Family.

As received an Invitation to be present at Esther's Graduation Exercise. And as have written her my best Wishes and regrets at not being able to attend will now send you a line. In the first place Warren is home and as he never went acrosst [sic] he is not hurt any. He is working in the 10-5 cent Store of course he is not manager as there was no place opened off am very glad to have him at home at least for a while.

I am Working in the recieving [sic] Ward with the Ladies Night-Watching some nights it is very Easy and then agane [sic] it is very hard, at all times must be on your guard. As no telling what they will do.

Have kept quite well had one sick spell of 8 days. Only missed 6 days work as they owed me a couple of days.

Was at Bloomington the first of Feb. for a week. At that time they were quite well Except Roland was sick the last 2 days that was there.

Have had no word from them since came home although have written to both of the girls. Recieved [sic] Orlo Picture. Sent from Fort Sheridin [sic] so by that he has not been discharged as yet.

Had a letter from Ira to-day he is living in Clarmont with his wife and her father and seems very well contented and Happy. Of course we all hope that he will be Successful and Happy in his married life.

Well could not write a letter without saying something about the weather--which is cold and rainy. We had a very heavy frost about the 23 think it killed all fruit for this year in this Section.

Reba & Fred Have kept well, they are living just out of K3 there they have for the last 2 years. There being so close has been a great comfort to me as could go to within 4 blocks of their house in the Street Cars. Some time went 3 or 4 times a week the[n] would not go for a couple of weeks--it is a pleasure to have some place to go and feel like they wanted you. Untill [sic] one has given up a home after having one no one can tell how lonesome you are for home. Even if it is small. I know as have gone all through it. Soon will be time for another Vacation. It is not due untill [sic] June 16. That will be here very soon. But do not know when will get it as am waiting on Henrietta now to say then Clayton has his so the 2 vacations do not clash or interfere with others plans.

This is the Centenial [sic] Year of the I.O.O.F. had a celebration Wednesday. Which was quite good and Friday night a Reception for the Past Noble Grands. Which I attended only had to leave so to be on duty at 11 P.M. the 5 will have been Night Watching one Year.

Have written you quite a letter and under separate cover. Will send you Warren's picture taken in Soldiers Uniform hope you will like it. As we think it is quite good. he left the Service a Sargent at one time he was first Sargeant [sic] but they put 12 Co into 4 Co he had to be reduced to Second Sargeant [sic] for my part I am glad to get him home. No matter what his rank so long as he had done his duty and been Honorable [sic] Discharged.

Will close With Love Sister
545 S Schuyler Ave Kankakee

May 3, 1919, From Aunt Rosetta

Kankakee May 3--19.
Miss Esther L. Munro

Dear Niece

Your kind Invitation received and regret to say it will be impossible for me to attend.

Wishing you Success and that Health and Happiness may be yours in abundance,

With Best Wishes
Aunt Rosetta.

April 30, 1919, From Luella

Indiana University
Wed. Eve. 6:35

My Dear Esther:

I wish you were here to-night. I would leave you sleep with me for I am all alone.

I am sleepy but I am going to a play down at the Assembly Hall this evening. I haven't all my lessons either. I have no business going I know. It is raining out too.

I am sending you a present. If it does not fit, please, send it back and I will exchange it. I got it large enough I am most sure, now if it is not to [sic] large.

I will not mail this before to-morrow as you will receive it as soon as the box any way.

as ever

April 30, 1919, From Richard (Includes Esther's Reply)

Indiana University
April 30, 1919

Dear Esther:

It was very nice of you to remember my birthday, and send such a pleasant greeting. But don't you think that I have too many links in my chain of happiness? Nevertheless that is not important. The present and the future is of more value now. You are right in your choice of a birthday remembrance, and about my greater appreciation of it. I do not see, though, how you could have found time to think of me and recall the date. Of course you are clever. Someday "someone", I know not who, will find you an ideal according to his judgment and then you will be the "somebody".

College has a powerful influence upon changing and making a person's life.

It is pouring rain now. Worse than Sunday evening! I had a swell time just the same.

Best wishes to you during commencement week. I surely wish that I were there.

Yours Truly,

[A rough draft of Esther's reply was enclosed in the envelope.]

Geneva Ind.
May 1, 1919.

Dear Richard:

It was raining when you last wrote to me and it has been raining by spells all day. Very much like Sunday night. I am glad you enjoyed yourself so much during this visit. I know I did but I felt like you had not. The visits aren't quite long enough, that's all. (Do you know we sent to Kansas City for that card.)

Did you have much work to make up because of missing Monday? Was it you or one of the girls that was to have an exam. Tuesday?

I had examinations in English and Caesar today. Caesar was not very hard and English was easy. I have Civics and Physics to-morrow. I am somewhat afraid of Physics for I haven't been understanding my Physics this semester as well as I did the first. I don't think I will have any more regular school work afer to-morrow. How I dread to have school close. I have enjoyed myself at school this year. And I know that so soon as school closes I will drop completely out of that crowd. I have just become well acquainted with them in the last month or two. Gladys and three of the boys are expecting to go away to school this summer and teach this winter. Murray is going to school next winter at either Purdue or Bloomington.

I have a certain proposition I want to place before you but I want to get a little more information before doing so. (It may please you and it may not)

I fear I'll never be anyone's ideal. Have the same opinion of myself that a good old bachelor minister I once heard had. Am "just a bundle of mistakes".

April 28, 1919, From Richard

Indiana University
April 28, 1919, 8:30 P.M.

Dear Esther:

I take great pleasure and pride in being permitted to call you such an intimate friend. that salutation is perhaps formal enough; but it may stand for something finer than just formality. You know I am not to be trusted with a good-looking girl. Ha!

Well, I feel pretty good after my week-end's adventures; but I fear I had better change the subject right here, for I may be temporarily mentally unbalanced because of the necessity of sleep. I did, however, have a very fine time during this last visit. Swell!

Perhaps you know, Kathryn was unable to accompany Luella and I. We got to Bloomington at 7:10; having left Portland at 11:10. Spent an hour and one-half in Indianapolis this afternoon going thru the museum and around the monument circle.

I should have gone studying; but shall have to mail my letters first, now.

Pardon me for imposing those horrible salted peanuts upon you. You know.

Yours Truly

April 24, 1919, From Tressie

Tressie G. Glendening requests your presence at a party, to be given in honor of the Junior and Senior classes of H.T.H.S., at her home on Thursday evening, April twenty-four, nineteen-hundred nineteen. 8.00 o'clock.

April 23, 1919, From Richard

Bloomington, Indiana
April 23, 1919

Dear Esther:

I am afraid that if I do not write nice letters that I shall lose my reputation. Most people, here and there, think that I am not yet disreputable enough for solitary confinement; but I wonder if anyone knows my true state of mind. If I cast reflections of an undesirable quality I am sorry.

And I now know from your last, most pleasant letter, that I must have been registered in your mind as an extremely polite (or impolite?) liar. I am glad you learned differently without the necessity of my explanation. I had forseen [sic] the possibility of a doubt, therefore I had prepared; but did I intend for you to find it?

I have heard so much about that "story of love and married life" that I do wish I could help fill your opera-house tonight. Isn't it tonight, Wednesday, April 23? Mother said that she enjoyed the play very much. It must have been well done. But I do not see how a play of love could be very good if there was no kissing to help interpret the meaning of the most interesting and heart-throbbing scenes. A good play cannot end these days unless there is a splendid lovers' hug and long drawn kiss to conclude the last romantic act. Kissing is a universal autograph of love.

Perhaps I should speak of your class meeting. Was it a success? I am missing all such fine social functions by being a "college sport." Ha

We have some adorable mid-term examinations this week. I have to write an argument about the League of Nations tonight before retiring. I imagine you and I could discuss it. Ha, ha. Sen. [Harry S.] New spoke on it here the other day. College life is a swell(ed) life.

I am going to a violin concert by Isolde Menges, an English world-renowned violinist. I am interested in such music as you know. But there is the misfortune of not having a roommate who appreciates good (?) music. Ha.

Hoping that someday you will be a great actress, I beg to remain,

Yours Truly,

April 18, 1919, From Richard

Bloomington, Indiana
April 18, 1919

My Dear Miss Munro:

I received your rather informal announcement of your marriages. It grieves me deeply to think of you having tho undergo so many unpleasant (?) ceremonies. Why make it more unpleasant by having a ferocious bulldog present to scare the wits from the bride and bridegroom? Since your first marriage was unsuccessful, the second might be also because tof the impending circumstances and consequences. Nevertheless I wish you happiness ever afterwards. I shall send this to your former address and in your former name, hoping that the knot is not tied before you receive it, as your husband might object. Thanks to you for making a personal announcement:

"Farewell! All is over.
The bitter tears are falling.
I am adrift,
On a dark wintry sea."

Yours Truly,
Richard N. Glendening

April 13, 1919, From Richard

Bloomington, Ind.
April 13, 1919

Dear Esther:

I gladly received your letter yesterday morning, but I am sorry to hear that it causes you so mucn inconvenience to write just now. Perhaps you would have more time during the week-end? Time is a valuable, available something that is hard to use properly and to the best advantage. However I do not usually have the pleasure of writing letters before breakfast. It has happened that I have written themes and French and the like before breakfast.

Isn't it romantic to think of an aged bald minister getting married. Did you get the said Mr. Snider a single-occupant chair; or a suitable settee for two, in order to promote their close relationship during a long and happy married life? "They were married, and lived happily ever afterwards."

May I relate to you a little story called, ‘God if they last'. "The day before the wedding the bride went shopping and came back well satisfied with her bargains. All went well until the next day as she knelt with her future husband at the altar to receive the ministers blessing. Then a titter arose from the audience. There on the sole of her slipper in plain view was written in big letters, ‘reduced to 99¢.'" Not insinuating however that Rev. Snider's wedding and married life will be so humorous.

Don't you wish you did not have to graduate with it is so troublesome. When a person desires leisure time it is hard to procure. Tressie must be busy also. I only got one short letter from her this last week.

This is Palm Sunday, n'est-ce pas? I was to the Christian Church, First this forenoon. they are very ceremonious and have sacrament for all. They are going to baptize tonight, in the church. It is not yet entirely completed, and it is to be dedicated, I think, the second Sunday in June. The Methodist is the best Church here. Did I tell you that I.U. has about the best set of chimes in the U.S.? They are playing religious songs now (3:30 P.M.) in honor of Pr. Campbell's (a music prof who died of "Flu" recently) memorial services, which are held this P.M. I shall write more later.

Yours Truly,

P.S. I could not dance for my life. "Dad" Elliott, a hot-truth religious lecturer, who was here last week, surely did raze the things that need to be reformed in the (schools and) colleges especially. He was a powerful man and I think he awakened the University enough to look at it's morals. Do you object of me sending your father the Christian bulletin? Since he is interested.
